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Quotes from Gen. "Mad Dog" Mattis

Complete Prophecy of Three "There will be three cats, kin of your kin, with the power of the stars in their paws.

30 Motivational Lion Quotes In Pictures – Courage & Strength Enjoy our collection of the Top 30 Motivational Lion Quotes In Pictures – Courage & Strength

Warriors are meat on the table for soldiers." note The warring sides had a Warrior Code of Conduct that specified that no warrior would ever attack another warrior who is unarmed, not wearing armor, dismounted, sleeping, unconscious or when a temporary cease fire has been declared. Duryodhana finds a Pandava dismounted, unarmed and tending to tired horses and chooses to attack him.

Those people you think are walking through life without fear – they are afraid.

"If I had known that I would have put that patch on 35 years earlier." Statement made by John Wayne while accepting the Oscar for his leading role in the 1969 film True Grit, directed by Henry Hathaway

4. "Fight with a happy heart and strong spirit … Demonstrate to the world there is no better friend, no worse enemy than a U.S. Marine." (Letter from Mattis to his troops just before the Iraq invasion)
